Let's Level TF Up In 2020

2020 is in full swing! I believe that it is important to always evolve. Every year, you should have something new going on in your life. New job, new car, new man, new body, more money, new mindset, etc. So, if you haven’t thought about how your life will be different than how it was last year, then baby… this is your wake up call! Below are a few tips on how to level up this year and become a new and improved woman!



If you are someone (excluding those with a mental illness) who has always had a negative mindset or you’re just in a funky mood, I know that it is hard, but try to turn your negative mindset to a positive one. I know that it is easier said than done, but understand that your mind can manifest the people, things, and situations that you want and do not want in your life (Law of Attraction). Therefore, be mindful of what you focus on. Focus on what is positive and you will receive positive results.

I know that it is hard to get out of a dark place, but if you are a Christian (like me), lean on God for strength and guidance on how to get out of it. The Devil wants you to stay in this dark space because he knows that God is about to drop a big blessing on your life. He wants to toy with your emotions, but do not let him. Let him know that you are God’s child and you ain’t the one to play with!

Also, make sure that you are challenging yourself mentally. I tend to watch a lot of reality shows; however, I do try to keep up with current events by watching CNN. I think it is important for us to expanding our mind and learn something new. Maybe instead of going to a restaurant with your friends or boyfriend, go to a museum or some type of seminar. Maybe instead of keeping up with your favorite influencers on social media, take a break and read a business book. Just do something that will mentally stimulate you.



In the words of Ms. Britney Spears, “you want a hot body? you better work b*tch!” Yes, we all want a hot summer body and everyone’s idea of a hot summer body is different, but we must work for it. This means we need to make sure we are eating as clean as possible and working out. No junk food, alcohol, juice/soda, and eating late at night! Eat fruits and vegetables, drink water, workout at least three times a week, and get enough sleep! Now, we will slip up from time to time, but that is okay. All we need to do is get back up and try again. Heck, I’m trying to get my “stomach on flat flat and ass on what’s that?!” just like Drake said!

Also, experiment with your style and makeup. If you don’t have a personal style, then try wearing something that you would usually pass up when walking through a store. You never know, you might end up liking it. If you don’t know how to do makeup really well, then watch makeup tutorials on Youtube. Psh, speaking of makeup, I’m about to go to Sephora tomorrow to see what other products I can incorporate into my makeup routine.

Love Life

If you’ve been dealing with a dude for some time now and he isn’t giving you the amount of effort, energy, time, and love that you are giving him, then boo… it’s time to either fall back or stop entertaining him altogether. Realize that there are a billon+ dudes out here, so there is going to be one who absolutely adores you and is worthy of all the love that you got to give. So, let crusty Cody talk to silly Sally and move tf on! Make sure that the man that you move on to is better for you than the last boy. For example, if all the last boy talked about was sports and only cracked jokes, make sure that the next man has something of substance to say. He should be teaching you something. He should want to hear your opinion on current events. He should want to talk about your goals and dreams.

If you’re single or recently broke up with your man, this is the time to find yourself and create the life that you always wanted. Focus on you. While you do that, manifest the type of man you want to be with. Pray for him. Pray for a healthy relationship. Pray that you are ready to be with that man when he comes your way. Visualize being with that man and the relationship you will have with him. If you want a man who is on his ish, make sure that you are on your ish too and vice versa! Be the best you that you can be and he will come around.



Be careful of the people who you call “friends.” Friends clap for you when you’re in your winning season instead of throw shade on social media and be passive aggressive. Friends uplift you when you’re down, not make you feel worse. Friends have your back when someone wants to talk negatively about you instead of joining in on the bashing/gossiping. Friends level up with you instead of hold you back.

If you feel like some of the friends you have aren’t happy for you, then it’s time to make some new friends. I know Drake said, “I still ride with my day ones,” but sometimes your day ones ain’t your real ones. Don’t let history cause you to stay in an unhealthy friendship. To make new friends, I suggest going to networking events or local meetups. One of my goals for 2020 is to cultivate more friendships, so I will be taking my own advice in terms of going to networking events and meetups.



You’re trying to get a new house, car, or go on vacation?! It’s time to stack up that doe, moe! Get out your feelings and get in your bag! If you have a job that you feel does not pay you enough for the work that you do, ask for a raise or find another job. When you get your paycheck, you should put a decent amount in your savings and do not touch it. Eventually, at the end of the year, you should have a pretty good amount saved up. Try not to spend money on unnecessary things and please don’t try to flex for the gram because at the end of the day…nobody cares.

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No More Comfort Zone

If you were complacent in 2019, then it’s time to wake the heck up and get out of your comfort zone. Nothing exciting and no growth happens in your comfort zone. If you want to start that business, then start it. If you want to apply for that new job, apply for it. If you want to move to New York City or Los Angeles, then move. Take a risk! If things don’t turn out the way you envisioned it, then that is okay. At least you can say you tried it instead of regretting not doing it.

I hope you enjoyed this blog post. How are you going to level tf up in 2020? Comment below <3
