There is more to self-love than the self-care aspect of it. Yes, it is nice to pamper yourself and get all dolled up. However, pushing yourself to do things that are out of your comfort zone is imperative during your self-love journey. You should love yourself enough to want to grow into the best version of yourself.

I consider myself to be somewhat shy, but I have done a lot of courageous things throughout my 25 years of life. To help you do some risky ish. I’ll share a few of my #Bold AF moments and tell you how you can apply them to your life.


If All Else Fails, Send Emails

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When I was around 11 years old, I watched an MTV special about this 15-year old Russian fashion designer named Kira Plastinina. Kira’s fashion line was a success in Moscow, but she wanted to expand her market to the United States. The show featured her preparing for the United States debut with a fashion show. After watching that special, I was so motivated and inspired that I decided to email a few fashion houses to ask about how I could become a fashion designer. Yes, I was on some “boss” moves at a young age. Haha! I remember emailing Chanel, Fendi, Prada, and others. I contacted whatever department that had a visible email address on the fashion house’s website. This “little business woman” move had a 50/50 result. I got a few “you contacted the wrong department” and “you should ask your guidance counselor” responses. There were even a few fashion houses that didn’t respond to me at all, but honestly, I didn’t care. It didn’t discourage me in any way. In later years, I found out that Kira was able to have a fashion line because she inherited money from her wealthy entrepreneurial father, Sergei Plastinin.

Your Turn

I wanted to share this story because I feel that it is important for women to not be afraid to reach out for support. If you have a business, then try cold calling a major company you always wanted to work with. Another way to get support is to reach out to high profile people on social media. You will either get a positive, negative, or no response, but at least you were brave enough to put yourself out there.

Shoot Your Shot, Boo!

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I love being approached by a man first; however, I don’t mind making the first move IF I really like a man. My first attempt at shooting my shot was as a freshman in high school. I liked this one guy and I was too shy to talk to him in class, so I tried giving my phone number to his friend to pass along to him, but I honestly think he never gave it to him. After that, I was trying to find ways that I could give him my number without being too forward. I was thinking about passing a note and just everything under the sun. Then, I finally got his phone number another way 😏 We ended up texting sporadically throughout the summer, but then I ended up not liking him anymore and moved on to the next.

Your Turn

If there is a man who you have had your eye on for a while, then shoot your shot, boo! You don’t have to flirt with him excessively or ask him out. Just make regular conversation with him from time to time, eventually it should lead up to a phone number or date. Now, if you’re the type of woman who does not care about playing it coy, then by all means… do what you do, boo.

What I’ve learned by shooting my shot though is that we (women) need to be careful on how we turn down a man. I understand if the guy approached you in a disrespectful manner, but if he approaches you in a respectful (grown man) manner, then there is no need to shut him down by cursing at him and saying things like “you’re thirsty” or “I would never date you.” If you’re not interested, simply say that you are not interested. Remember… men have feelings too… although it may not seem like it.

Nominate Yo Damn Self

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Every year, employees at my job are given the opportunity to nominate coworkers or themselves to receive a cash award for their hard work during the fiscal year. So, guess who I nominated last year? My damn self! I had to document all of the above and beyond duties that I completed during the fiscal year. Let me tell you, I did not hold back! I gave specific dates, number of cases I reviewed, the amount of time it took me to complete each task, information about a proposal I wrote, and etc. Two months later… I noticed I had a little extra money in my bank account. Ahaaaa! I got that shmoney hunnaaayy!

Your Turn

If there is an opportunity to nominate yourself for an award, especially at your job, then do it! I know that you might feel that people will look at you like you’re entitled or conceited, but no. They won’t and if they do, then who cares?! This is the time to celebrate yourself and be acknowledged for your hard work. Don’t shy away from this opportunity! You deserve it!

Showcase Your God-Given Gifts


From dancing to singing to fashion to encouraging others, I am happy to say that I have showcased these God-given gifts throughout my life. When I was younger, I performed at my elementary school’s talent show twice. The first time, I danced to Janet Jackson’s “Rhythm Nation.” Although I ran off the stage at the end of the performance (laughs), I was happy that I did not let my fear take over and cause me to not go through with the performance. The second time, I danced to Amerie’s “1 Thing.” Again, another great experience. Then, I sang two solos — one in middle school and the other in high school. Fashion… well… that’s self explanatory. This blog! And now, I’m encouraging others with these self-love blog entries. I am sure that God has given me more gifts and I cannot wait to share them!

Your Turn

I know that it is scary to share your God-given gifts, but God didn’t give you them for nothing. It is your job to share your gifts with others. You may not be ready and it may not be perfect, but that does not matter. As long as you start now and progress, then you have nothing to worry about. Yes, there will be criticism (constructive and non-constructive). Yes, there may not be a lot of support from others in the beginning. But still… keep going. Do not stop!

I hope you enjoyed this blog post. Let me know in the comments if you have done something #Bold AF recently. ❤️

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