Be The Woman You Always Wanted To Be

I believe that a part of self-love is becoming the person you always wanted to be. To become the person (particularly, woman) you always wanted to be, you have to move different… think different… and possibly look different. These actions may be uncomfortable, but it is crucial in reinventing yourself. Like the Diane Von Furstenberg quote below, I always knew the type of woman I wanted to be and I am happy to say that I am definitely headed in the right direction to become her. Below, I share a few qualities that I wish to possess and actions that I am taking to be the best woman that I can be. I hope this motivates you to tap into the woman you desire to become.

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I desire to be a woman who is unfuckwithable. When I was younger, I was very shy and anything anyone said or done towards me would get under my skin. It would cause me to second guess everything that I said and done. Now, as I get older, more comfortable in my skin, and gain more life experiences, little things do not bother me as much as before. There are times where I still get bothered by a few instances, but that is with everyone. I wouldn’t be human if I didn’t care at all about certain things.

Actions Taken

When someone says or does something that would upset me, I try to see it from that person’s point of view. Maybe the person is having a bad day? Maybe the person is projecting their insecurities on me? Sometimes when I think that way, it is easier for me to let go of the negative experience. Also, I am learning not to take things so personally.



I always wanted to be well-connected. I want to be able to call up someone for a favor, advice, or assistance and vice versa. I want someone to invite me to events that they think would benefit me. I want to know people from all walks of life — the head honchos, aspiring entrepreneurs, the bad gone good, etc.

Actions Taken

In order for me to be well-connected, I need to change my environment. My goal each month is to go to at least one networking event. I noticed that I attending networking events helps me make connections with others and gain more exposure. Last October, I attended the Blogger Week UnConference in Washington, D.C. and I met a lot of cool people. I gained more Instagram followers and three of the people I met fully support me on Instagram. We literally hype each other up under every picture.



Yes, I am trying to be PAID! I know that money is not everything, but let’s be honest, it changes things. I don’t need to be filthy rich (it would be nice though), but I definitely desire to be financially comfortable. I don’t want to spend my life living paycheck to paycheck. I want to spoil myself without worrying about my bank accounts afterwards and experiencing buyer’s remorse.

Actions Taken

In order to become financially comfortable, I try to work overtime whenever I can. A few more dollars on my paycheck is worth the extra hours. Also, I always try to transfer a chunk of money from my paycheck to my savings. You will be surprised how much you save when you put aside some money in your savings account. There is another way that I plan on stacking some bread, but I move in silence. Shhh! It’s a secret 😊

Let me know in the comment section what you are doing to become the woman you always wanted to be.